
Make a List

It’s raining Really hard Yay! Perhaps it’ll remove some of the disgusting scum left behind by the melting snow Temperature is well above zero. Rainboots instead of snowboots this morning. Also, splash pants instead of snowpants It’s definitely good for the poor crocuses, who stuck their heads above ground last week and were instantly hit […]

Attn: NASA

M: Who was the first person on the moon? Me: A guy called Neil Armstrong. And he said something like, “one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” M: Well that doesn’t make sense. (brief discussion ensues, in which it becomes clear that the “mankind” part is the source of the confusion) […]


QOTD for March 12: “When he was younger Mr Phillips had hated meetings. Or at least he had once he had got over the grown-up feeling, the warm glow of inclusion, of being invited to his first meeting with his first employers, Grimshaw’s. Children and students didn’t have meetings; only adults, serious employed people had […]

Death to spammers

Lately I’ve noticed a bunch of spam has come in with delete-receipt requests attached. Since most people’s email programs auto-process such requests, it’s an efficient and invisible way of marking live addresses for further spamming and/or sale. Sneaky! An old friend’s “death by spoon” concept could be applied to spammers with great public support, I […]


It’s Freedom to Marry week in the US, so I offer the following conversation: M: I’m going to marry Daddy when I grow up! Me: You can’t, honey. Daddy’s already married. M: Oh. I’ll marry you, then, mama. Because girls can marry girls too. Me. That’s right. You can’t marry me, though, ’cause I’m already […]